Vicodin or OxyContin Possession charges are quite serious in Philadelphia. The illegal possession of prescription narcotics and other Schedule I and Schedule II drugs exposes a person to a prison sentence and the potential for exceptionally high fine…
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What is a PWID drug charge in Philadelphia and what are the potential consequences of these charges? Possession With the Intent to Deliver or PWID, often referred to as drug trafficking, is considered to be much more serious than other drug crimes su…
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Many underestimate the severity of drug possession charges in Philadelphia and the harsh consequences a defendant may face. Attorney Lauren Wimmer serves on the NORML legal committee and is committed to ensuring all those accused of drug possession i…
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What are the best strategies for the defense of drug charges in Philadelphia and why is it important to work with an aggressive and proven criminal defense attorney? Here in Philadelphia, drug charges are considered to be quite serious as many of our…
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Possession With Intent to Deliver or PWID covers a wide range of drug related charges under Pennsylvania law. If you are looking for a skilled attorney with experience defending drug charges and PWID in Philadelphia, we invite you to contact us or ca…
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