If you have been arrested in Camden County, New Jersey for marijuana possession, we still advise you to obtain legal representation. New Jersey criminal defense attorney Lauren Wimmer helps people who have been charged with marijuana possession get a…
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Both New Jersey and Pennsylvania take drug charges very seriously, especially when it comes to fentanyl possession. Both states have made efforts in recent years to divert those with possession charges to treatment programs and other options to avoid…
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Possession of drug paraphernalia is a crime in the City of Philadelphia. Most people understand that you can be arrested for possessing or selling drugs. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize you can be charged with drug paraphernalia even i…
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If you have been charged with marijuana possession or Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of marijuana, it is critical that you understand your rights and the potential penalties you face. Across the country, more and more states are legalizing the use…
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Most people understand that drug charges carry serious consequences. However, most people don’t realize that these consequences can follow you for the rest of your life, even after you’ve served time in prison. A drug conviction can do irreparabl…
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It has been widely reported the criminal prosecution and imprisonment tends to harden criminals, especially non-violent offenders who may be suffering from drug addiction. There is a nationwide-trend to find less damaging methods to deal with low-lev…
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Many underestimate the severity of drug possession charges in Philadelphia and the harsh consequences a defendant may face. Attorney Lauren Wimmer serves on the NORML legal committee and is committed to ensuring all those accused of drug possession i…
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