Defending simple assault charges in Philadelphia involves a lot more than a question of whether or not a “bodily injury” occurred, or what the accused intended to happen. The prosecution must prove the accused intended to cause bodily injury (whe…
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Defending assault charges in Philadelphia requires legal skill and the ability to recognize holes in the prosecution’s case as well as evidentiary issues and conflicting witness testimony. Assault laws in Pennsylvania are designed to prevent our ci…
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Defending simple assault or aggravated assault in Philadelphia requires a skilled and experienced defense attorney. Lauren Wimmer aggressively defends those charged with assault in the Philadelphia metropolitan area. Assault is one of the most common…
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It is not unusual for a person to find themselves fighting assault charges in Philadelphia after a situation has gotten out of hand. It may have started as a bar fight or confrontation where punches are thrown. There may have been an argument which q…
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