Defending simple assault charges in Philadelphia involves a lot more than a question of whether or not a “bodily injury” occurred, or what the accused intended to happen. The prosecution must prove the accused intended to cause bodily injury (whether or not they succeeded) “beyond a reasonable doubt.” As an experienced criminal defense attorney, Lauren Wimmer works to undermine the theories and evidence of the prosecutor while defending simple assault charges in Philadelphia and the surrounding counties.
Bodily injury is generally defined as the “impairment of physical condition or substantial pain” or the intent to inflict it. Bodily injury might include a broken finger, serious bruising or a cut which heals without a visible scar. One of the primary aspects of bodily injury versus “serious bodily injury” is permanence. If the injury or pain is not considered to result in permanent damage or disfigurement it will usually be classified as bodily injury. However, Philadelphia prosecutors are quite aggressive in simple assault cases and often attempt to charge the accused with aggravated assault claiming that serious bodily injury could have resulted, and in many cases, even the appellate courts appear to agree. We are often able to reduce the seriousness of the charges our clients face while also reducing the potential consequences.
This is why it is important to be represented by a proven lawyer with experience defending simple assault charges in Philadelphia. Wimmer Criminal Defense can demonstrate you had an alibi and therefore could not have committed an assault. What the prosecutor may attempt to describe as “intent” may actually be a case of self-defense. Lauren Wimmer will mount an aggressive assault defense and seek the best possible outcome in your case. We invite you to review the recommendations of our clients and contact us or call 215-712-1212 for a free consultation. Ask about the positive difference our proven and experienced criminal defense can make in your case.
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